Hi, everyone. We are going to start Korean Grammar 100, which is composed of 100
lectures, and teaches you guys how to make perfect sentences of Korean language.
This lecture definitely enables you to write your thoughts as well as speak what you are
thinking about.
All right, let’s start. Here we go. The first sentence structure is “AB하는 것은 C합니다.”,
which means “It is C for A to B ~”. The subject of this sentence is ‘B하는 것’, which is ‘to
B’, right? And its corresponding verb is ‘C합니다’ But, there is another small subject of
the verb, ‘B하는 것’, which is a noun form of ‘B하다’. That is to say, ‘A’ is the small
subject of the verb ‘B’. So, ‘A’ is the subject of the verb, ‘B’, and the whole phrase, ‘A
B하는 것’ is the subject of the verb, ‘C합니다’.
The schematic diagram is as follows.
Lesson 001
AB하는 것은() C합니다.
= It is C for A to B ~.
All right, we gonna have five sample sentences on each lesson.
1. 당신이 더 열심히 일하는 것이 중요합니다.
It is important for you to work harder.
당신 is the small subject of 일하는 것, and 더 열심히 is an adverb, which means ‘harder’, so 당신이 더 열심히 일하는 것 is ‘for you to work harder’, which is the main subject of this sentence. And 중요합니다 is the verb of this sentence, ‘is important.’ So, 당신이 더 열심히 일하는 것이 중요합니다.
It is important for you to work harder.
2. 그녀가 오늘 아침에 코트를 입는 것이 필요합니다.
It is necessary for her to wear a coat this morning.
그녀가 is the small subject of 입는 것, and 오늘 아침에 is an adverb, which means ‘this morning’, and 코트를 is the object of 입다, which means ‘to wear’, so 그녀가 오늘 아침에 코트를 입는 것 is ‘for her to wear a coat this morning’, which is the main subject of this sentence. And 필요합니다 is the verb of this sentence, ‘is necessary.’ So, 그녀가 오늘 아침에 코트를 입는 것이 필요합니다.
It is necessary for her to wear a coat this morning.
3. 내가 의사를 즉시 만나는 것이 가능합니다.
It is possible for me to see a doctor at once.
내가 is the small subject of 만나는 것, and 즉시 is an adverb, which means ‘at once’, and 의사를 is the object of 만나다, which means ‘to see’, so 내가 의사를 즉시 만나는 것 is ‘for me to see a doctor at once’, which is the main subject of this sentence. And 가능합니다 is the verb of this sentence, ‘is possible.’ So, 내가 의사를 즉시 만나는 것이 가능합니다.
It is possible for me to see a doctor at once.
4. 그가 그 시험에 합격하는 것은 힘듭니다.
It is hard for him to pass the examination.
그가 is the small subject of 합격하는 것, and 그 시험에 is the object of 합격하는 것, which means ‘to pass’, so 그가 그 시험에 합격하는 것 is ‘for him to pass the examination’, which is the main subject of this sentence. And 힘듭니다 is the verb of this sentence, ‘is hard.’ So, 그가 그 시험에 합격하는 것은 힘듭니다.
It is hard for him to pass the examination.
5. 그녀가 거기에 가는 것은 위험합니다.
It is dangerous for her to go there.
그녀가 is the small subject of 가는 것, and 거기에 is an adverb, which means ‘there’, so 그녀가 거기에 가는 것 is ‘for her to go there’, which is the main subject of this sentence. And 위험합니다 is the verb of this sentence, ‘is dangerous.’ So, 그녀가 거기에 가는 것은 위험합니다.
It is dangerous for her to go there.