All right, we gonna start. Each video will show you 20 words, and I will explain them one by one, and give you example sentences. I want you to watch each video to the end, and repeat at least three times because repetition will definitely enable you to memorize all the words very easily. And one more thing, the background image of each given word will also remind you the meaning of the word, so it will boost your memory, OK?
From No. 1 to No. 500, I mean the first five video clips will show you the essential verbs in Korean language, OK? Because there are no sentences that don’t have verbs, right? So, if you master these 500 verbs, it will be easier to start the Korean language, I promise, all right? I arranged these 500 words regardless of the level, I mean, there are not only basic level of words, but also advanced level.
OK, here we go, no. 1 is 가다, which means to go, 나는 오늘 서울로 갑니다. I will go to Seoul today. As you can see, 가다 can be changed into 갑니다 as an honorific form.
No. 2 is 걷다, which means to walk, and 걷다 is the same as 걸어가다, there is no difference between them. 많은 사람들이 도로 위를 걸어갑니다. Many people are walking on the street.
No. 3 is 뛰다, or 달리다, these two are the same, as well, and the meaning is to run. 나는 매일 아침 도로위를 달립니다. I run on the road every morning.
No. 4 is 자다, which means to sleep, and 자다 is shortened form of 잠자다, or 잠을 자다, means sleeping. 저는 평소에 일찍 잡니다. I usually sleep early.
No 5. is 먹다, which means to eat. 한국인들은 쌀밥을 먹습니다. Koreans eat rice.
No 6. is 마시다, which means to drink. 저는 매일 아침 당근 쥬스를 마십니다. I drink carrot juice every morning.
No 7. is 듣다, which means to listen. 저의 아들은 음악을 들으면서 공부합니다. My son studies listening to the music.
No 8. is 읽다, which means to read. 저는 소설을 읽는 것을 좋아합니다. I like reading novels.
No 9. is 쓰다, which means to write. 저는 편지를 쓰는 것을 좋아합니다. I like writing letters.
No 10. is 앉다, which means to sit. 저기에 앉아있는 저 소녀는 저의 딸입니다. The girl sitting over there is my daughter.
No 11. is 말하다, which means to speak, or say. 그것이 제가 말하려던 것입니다. That’s what I wanted to say.
No 12. is 던지다, which means to throw something. 한 소녀가 돌맹이를 던지고 있습니다. A girl is throwing a stone.
No 13. is 웃다, which means to laugh. 두 아이들이 웃고 있습니다. Two children are laughing.
No 14. is 울다, which means to cry. 한 남자가 울고 있습니다. A man is crying.
No 15. is 싸우다, which means to fight. 나는 당신과 싸우기 싫습니다. I don’t want to fight with you.
No 16. is 그리다, which means to draw. 나는 그림 그리는 것을 좋아합니다. I like drawing.
No 17. is 춤추다, which means to dance. 그녀는 춤추는 것을 좋아합니다. She likes dancing.
No 18. is 자르다, which means to cut. 점선을 따라서 자르세요. Cut it out along the dotted line.
No, 19. is 두드리다, which means to knock. 그가 문을 두드렸지만 아무 반응이 없었습니다. He knocked the door, but didn’t have any response.
No 20. is 씻다, which means to wash. 식사전에는 반드시 손을 씻으세요. Make sure to wash your hands before meals.