No. 41 is 들어가다, which means to enter. 그가 그 건물 안으로 들어갔습니다. He entered the building. 그가 is he, and the second is the, and 건물 is building, so 그 건물 is the building, and 안으로 is into. 들어갑니다 is the present tense, so he enters the building. 들어갔습니다 is the past tense, so he entered the building. All right, once again, 그가 그 건물 안으로 들어갔습니다. He entered the building.
No. 42 is 믿다, which means to believe. 당신은 당신 자신을 믿어야 됩니다. You have to believe yourself. 당신 is you, and is the subjective particle. 당신 자신 is yourself, and is the objective particle. The original form of the verb, 믿다 is changed into 믿어야 됩니다, that is to say, should be relplaced with 어야 됩니다, which means must, or have to, so 믿어야 합니다 is you have to believe, right? 당신은 당신 자신을 믿어야 됩니다. You have to believe yourself.
No. 43 is 기록하다, which means to record something. 저는 그 사실들을 모두 기록하고 싶습니다. I want to record all the facts. 저는 is I, and is the, and 사실 is fact, and means plural, and is the objective particle, and 모두 is all. As you can see, the letter is changed into 고 싶습니다, which means I want to blablabla. All right, once again, 저는 그 사실들을 모두 기록하고 싶습니다. I want to record all the facts.
No. 44 is 생각하다, which means to think. 그는 무언가를 생각하고 있는 중입니다. He is thinking about something. 그는 is he, and 무언가 is something, and is the objective particle. If you replace the letter, with 고 있는 중입니다, this represents the present progressive form, so 그는 무언가를 생각합니다 is “He thinks about something.” And 그는 무언가를 생각하고 있는 중입니다 is “He is thinking about something.”
No. 45 is 반복하다, or 반복되다, which means to repeat. By the way, the difference between 반복하다, and 반복되다 is that 반복하다 is a transitive verb, which means it needs an object, right? And 반복되다 is intransitive verb, which means it doesn’t need an object. OK, the sample sentence, 똑같은 기둥이 반복되는 통로를 걸어가세요. Walk down the aisle where the same column repeats. 똑같은 is the same, and 기둥 is column, and the reason why 반복되다 is changed into 반복되는 is the letter is used in order to modify the noun behind, that is to say 통로, which means aisle, and 걸어가다, walk is changed into 걸어가세요, in order to make an imperative sentence. So, 걸어가세요 is Walk down. So, 똑같은 기둥이 반복되는 통로를 걸어가세요. Walk down the aisle where the same column repeats.
No. 46 is 더하다, which means to add. 1 더하기 12입니다. is one, and is two. The meaning of this sentence is one plus one is two. In this expression, you guys have to pay attention to the replacement of with , OK? This represents the noun form of the original verb, so is changed into . Once again, 1 더하기 12입니다. One plus one is two.
No. 47 is 빼다, which means to subtract. 그 숫자에서 2를 빼세요. Subtract two from the number. is the, and 숫자 is number, and 에서 is from. When you replace with 세요, this is an imperative sentence. Once again, 그 숫자에서 2를 빼세요. Subtract two from the number.
No. 48 is 곱하다, which means to multiply. 3 곱하기 515입니다. is three, and is five, and 십오 is fifteen. Three multiplied by five equals fifteen. As we learned from no. 46, is changed into , right?
Once again, 3 곱하기 515입니다. Three multiplied by five equals fifteen.
No. 49 is 나누다, which means to divide. 12 나누기 34입니다. Twelve divided by three equals four. 십이 is twelve, and is four. Once again, 12 나누기 34입니다. Twelve divided by three equals four.
No. 50 is 다치다, 다치게 하다, which means to get hurt, and hurt somebody. 다치다 is to get hurt, or injured, an intransitive verb. And 다치게 하다 is to hurt, or injure somebody, a transitive verb. 그가 심하게 다쳤습니다. He is badly hurt. 그가 is he, and 심하게 is badly, and 다쳤습니다 is the predicate form of 다치다. And the second sentence, 나는 당신을 다치게 하고 싶지 않습니다. I don’t want to hurt you. 나는 is I, and 당신을 is you, and 고 싶지 않습니다, which is substituted for , means don’t want to blablabla. So, 나는 당신을 다치게 하고 싶지 않습니다. I don’t want to hurt you. Once again, 그가 심하게 다쳤습니다. He is badly hurt. 나는 당신을 다치게 하고 싶지 않습니다. I don’t want to hurt you.
No. 51 is 놓다, which means to put something. 그가 맥주잔을 내 앞에 놓았습니다. He put the beer glass in front of me. 그가 is he, 맥주 is beer, and is a glass, and is the objective particle. is me, and 앞에 is in front of, so 내 앞에 is in front of me. The letter represents the past tense form, OK? Once again, 그가 맥주잔을 내 앞에 놓았습니다. He put the beer glass in front of me.
No. 52 is 가로지르다, 건너다, 횡단하다, which means to cross. 도로를 건널 때는 주의하세요. Be careful when you cross the road. 도로 is road, and is the objective case. The reason 건너다 is changed into 건널 때는 is , or 때는 represents the conjunction, when, so you have to put the final sound under , and add , or 때는 behind it, OK? So, 건널 때 is when you cross, right? Once again, 도로를 건널 때는 주의하세요. Be careful when you cross the road.
No. 53 is 치료하다, which means to cure. 의사가 환자를 치료하고 있습니다. A doctor is curing a patient. 의사 is a doctor, and is the subjective case, and 환자 is a patient. When you replace with 고 있습니다, this represents the present progressive form, which is the same as 치료하고 있는 중입니다. We learned 고 있는 중입니다 at the number 44, right? It was 생각하고 있는 중입니다, which means is thinking, right?
No. 54 is 받아들이다, which means to accept. 저는 당신의 제안을 받아들이겠습니다. I will accept your suggestion. 저는 is I, and 당신의 is the genitive of 당신, so is used in order to make the genitive case. As you can see, 당신 is you, so 당신의 is your. 제안 is suggestion, and is the objective case. When you replace with 겠습니다, this means will, so 받아들이겠습니다 is will accept, OK?
No. 55 is 연습하다, which means to practice. 그는 열심히 피아노를 연습하고 있습니다. He is practicing the piano hard. 그는 is he, and 열심히 is hard, 피아노 is written the way it sounds, so 피아노 is piano, right? is the objective particle. When you replace with 고 있습니다, this represents the present progressive form, so is practicing. So, 그는 열심히 피아노를 연습하고 있습니다. He is practicing the piano hard.
No. 56 is 발전하다, 발전시키다, which means to develop, or improve. 발전하다 is to develop, improve, or prosper. This is an intransitive verb. And 발전시키다 is to develop, or improve something, so this is transitive verb. 당신의 실력이 점점 더 발전하고 있습니다. Your ability is improving better and better. As we learned from no. 54, 당신의 is your, and 실력 is ability, and 점점 더 is better and better, So, 당신의 실력이 점점 더 발전하고 있습니다. Your ability is improving better and better. And the second sentence, 우리나라가 제가 살고 있는 도시를 발전시킬 계획을 갖고 있습니다. Our country has a plan to develop the city I live in. 우리나라 is our country, and is the subjective particle, and 제가 is I, and 살고 있는 is live in, and 도시 is the city, but 제가 살고 있는, these two words are modifying the noun behind, 도시. So, 제가 살고 있는 도시 is the city I live in. And the reason why 발전시키다 is changed into 발전시킬 is this is used in order to modify the noun behind, 계획, which means the plan. So, 우리나라가 제가 살고 있는 도시를 발전시킬 계획을 갖고 있습니다. Our country has a plan to develop the city I live in.
No. 57 is 따라가다, or 따르다, which means to follow, or comply, obey. 몇몇 사람들이 그 사람을 따라가고 있습니다. Several people are following the man. 몇몇 is several, and 사람들 is people. I think some of you guys probably know means plural because I told you several times, right? 그 사람 is the man, is the, and 사람 is man, so 그 사람 is the man, and is the objective case, and 고 있습니다 is the present progressive form. We learned this at the no. 55, right? So, 몇몇 사람들이 그 사람을 따라가고 있습니다. Several people are following the man. And the second sentence. 여러분들은 이 규칙을 따라야합니다. You have to follow this rule. 여러분들 is you as plural, and is the subjective particle, and is this, and 규칙 is rule, and is the objective particle, and 따르다 is changed into 따라야 합니다 in order to make an imperative sentence, or use the expression of must, or have to. What is important here is is replaced with , and 야 합니다 is placed behind. So, 여러분들은 이 규칙을 따라야합니다. You have to follow this rule.
No. 58 is 주다, which means to give. 그녀가 나에게 커피를 한 잔 주었습니다. She gave me a cup of coffee.
그녀 is she, and is the subjective case, and 나에게 is me, 커피 is written the way it sounds, and is the objective particle. And 한 잔 is a cup of, is one, and is cup. As I told you previously, represents the past tense form. So, 주었습니다 is gave. Once again, 그녀가 나에게 커피를 한 잔 주었습니다. She gave me a cup of coffee.
No. 59 is 받다, which means to receive. 저는 오늘 그로부터 선물을 하나 받았습니다. I received a present from him today. 저는 is I, and 오늘 is today, and is him, and 로부터 is from, so 그로부터 is from him, and 선물 is a present, and represents the past tense form. So, once again, 저는 오늘 그로부터 선물을 하나 받았습니다. I received a present from him today.
No. 60 is 얻다, which means to get, but by the context, 얻다 can be similar to 받다, which means 얻다 can be not only the synonym of 받다, but also other meanings, such as to acquire, or obtain. For example, 저는 오늘 그로부터 책을 한 권 얻었습니다. I received a book from him. 저는 is I, and 오늘 is today, 그로부터 is from him as in no. 59. is a book, and is the objective particle. is one, and is the unit of counting the number of books, so 한 권 is a book. And as you know, represents the past tense form. So, 저는 오늘 그로부터 책을 한 권 얻었습니다. I received a book from him. In this sentence, 얻다 can be replaced with 받다, so this sentence can be written as 저는 그로부터 책을 한 권 받았습니다. And the second example, 저는 오늘 이 책에서 중요한 정보를 얻었습니다. I got important information from this book. 이 책에서 is from this book, is this, and as you know, is book, and 에서 is from, so 이 책에서 is from this book, right? 중요한 is important, and 정보 is information, and is the objective case. So, 저는 오늘 이 책에서 중요한 정보를 얻었습니다. I got important information from this book.
OK, we have finished, as I told you, you’d better watch this video at least three times. OK, let’s call it a day. I’ll see you next time, bye.