All right, we gonna start from no. 281 to 300.
Number 281 is 언급하다[eon-geub-ha-da], which means ‘to mention’. 그 정치인은 그 소문이 사실이 아니라고 언급했습니다.[geu jeong-chi-in-eun geu so-mun-i sa-sil-i a-ni-ra-go eon-geub-haet-seum-ni-da]. The politician mentioned that the rumor was not true. [geu] is ‘the’, and 정치인[jeong-chi-in] is ‘a politician’. And 소문[so-mun] is ‘rumor’, and 사실[sa-sil] is ‘fact’, and 아니라고[a-ni-ra-go] came from 아니다[a-ni-da], which is the negation form of predicate. And the letter, [da] is replaced with 라고[ra-go], which is the same as ‘that’, a conjunction in English. And 언급했습니다[eon-geub-haet-seum-ni-da] is the past tense form of 언급하다[eon-geub-ha-da], which means ‘to mention’. So, 그 정치인은 그 소문이 사실이 아니라고 언급했습니다[geu jeong-chi-in-eun geu so-mun-i sa-sil-i a-ni-ra-go eon-geub-haet-seum-ni-da]. The politician mentioned that the rumor was not true.
Number 282 is 보도하다[bo-do-ha-da], which means ‘to report’. 오늘 뉴스에서 충격적인 내용을 보도했습니다.[o-neul nyu-seu-e-seo chung-gyeok-jeok-in nae-yong-eul bo-do-haet-seum-ni-da]. Today's news reported shocking stories. 오늘[o-neul] is ‘today’, and 뉴스[nyu-se] is written as it sounds, and 에서[e-seo] is a postposition indicating ‘from’, in English. And 충격적인[chung-gyeok-jeok-in] is ‘shocking’, and this is an adjective modifying the noun behind, 내용[nae-yong], which means ‘contents’, but by the context, 내용[nae-yong] means ‘stories’, so 충격적인 내용[chung-gyeok-jeok-in nae-yong] is ‘shocking stories’, and 보도했습니다[bo-do-haet-seum-ni-da] is the past tense form of 보도하다[bo-do-ha-da], which means ‘to report’. So, 오늘 뉴스에서 충격적인 내용을 보도했습니다.[o-neul nyu-seu-e-seo chung-gyeok-jeok-in nae-yong-eul bo-do-haet-seum-ni-da]. Today's news reported shocking stories.
Number 283 is 개선하다[gae-seon-ha-da], which means ‘to improve’. 그 회사는 업무시스템을 개선해야합니다.[geu hwoi-sa-neun eop-mu-si-seu-tem-eul gae-seon-hae-ya-ham-ni-da]. The company must improve its business system. [geu] is ‘the’, and 회사[hwoi-sa] is ‘a company’, and 업무[eop-mu] is ‘business’, and 시스템[si-seu-tem] is written as it sounds, and [eul] is the objective case. And 개선해야합니다[gae-seon-hae-ya-ham-ni-da] came from 개선하다[gae-seon-ha-da], which means ‘to improve’, and the letter, 하다[ha-da] is replaced with 해야합니다[hae-ya-ham-ni-da] in order to express ‘must’. So, 그 회사는 업무시스템을 개선해야합니다.[geu hwoi-sa-neun eop-mu-si-seu-tem-eul gae-seon-hae-ya-ham-ni-da]. The company must improve its business system.
Number 284 is 개혁하다[gae-hyeok-ha-da], which means ‘to reform’. 그 나라는 현재의 정책을 개혁해야합니다.[geu na-ra-neun hyeon-je-eui jeong-chaek-eul gae-hyeok-hae-ya-ham-ni-da]. The country must reform its current policy. 나라[na-ra] is ‘country’, and 현재의[hyeon-je-eui] is ‘current’, and 정책[jeong-chaek] is ‘policy’, and 개혁해야합니다[gae-hyeok-hae-ya-ham-ni-da] came from 개혁하다[gae-hyeok-ha-da], which means ‘to reform’, and the letter, 하다[ha-da] is replaced with 해야합니다[hae-ya-ham-ni-da] in order to express ‘must’. So, 그 나라는 현재의 정책을 개혁해야합니다.[geu na-ra-neun hyeon-je-eui jeong-chaek-eul gae-hyeok-hae-ya-ham-ni-da]. The country must reform its current policy.
Number 285 is 돕다, 도와주다[dob-da, do-wa-ju-da], which means ‘to help’. 저는 당신을 돕고/도와주고 싶습니다. I want to help you. 저는 is ‘I’, and 당신 is ‘you’, and 돕고 싶습니다, or 도와주고 싶습니다 is ‘want to help’. The letter, is replaced with 고 싶습니다, which means ‘to want to blah, blah, blah,’. So, 저는 당신을 돕고/도와주고 싶습니다. I want to help you.
Number 286 is 더럽히다, 오염시키다[deo-reob-hi-da, o-yeom-si-ki-da], which means ‘to make sth dirty, or pollute’. 그 공장에서 흘러나오는 폐수가 강을 더럽히고 있습니다, or 오염시키고 있습니다.[geu gong-jang-e-seo heul-reo-na-o-neun pye-su-ga gang-eul deo-reob-hi-go it-seum-ni-da], or [o-yeom-si-ki-go it-seum-ni-da]. The wastewater flowing from the factory is making the river dirty. 공장[gong-jang] is ‘factory’, and에서[e-seo] is ‘from’ as I said previously. And 흘러나오는[heul-reo-na-o-neun] came from 흘러나오다[heul-reo-na-o-da], which means ‘to flow’. The letter, [da] is replaced with [neun] in order to modify the noun behind it, 폐수[pye-su], which means ‘wastewater’, so 그 공장에서 흘러나오는 폐수[geu gong-jang-e-seo heul-reo-na-o-neun pye-su] is ‘The wastewater flowing from the factory’. And [ga] is the subjective case, and [gang] is ‘river’, and 더럽히고 있습니다[deo-reob-hi-go it-seum-ni-da], or 오염시키고 있습니다[o-yeom-si-ki-go it-seum-ni-da] is the present progressive form of 더럽히다, or 오염시키다[deo-reob-hi-da, o-yeom-si-ki-da], which means ‘to make sth dirty, or pollute’. So, 그 공장에서 흘러나오는 폐수가 강을 더럽히고 있습니다, or 오염시키고 있습니다.[geu gong-jang-e-seo heul-reo-na-o-neun pye-su-ga gang-eul deo-reob-hi-go it-seum-ni-da], or [o-yeom-si-ki-go it-seum-ni-da]. The wastewater flowing from the factory is making the river dirty.
Number 287 is 시도하다[si-do-ha-da], which means ‘to attempt’. 그들은 그 회사를 매수하려고 시도했으나, 실패했습니다.[geu-deul-eun geu hwoi-sa-reul mae-su-ha-ryeo-go si-do-haet-seu-na sil-pae-haet-seum-ni-da]. They attempted to buy the company, but failed. 그들[geu-deul] is ‘they’, and 그 회사[geu hwoi-sa] is ‘the company’, we learned this word, right? 매수하다[mae-su-ha-da] is a verb, which means ‘to buy’, and 시도하다[si-do-ha-da] is ‘to attempt’ and 매수하려고 시도하다[mae-su-ha-ryeo-go si-do-ha-da] is ‘attempt to buy’. The letter, [haet] indicates the past tense, and the postposition, 으나[eu-na] is the same as a conjunction, ‘but’, and 실패했습니다[sil-pae-haet-seum-ni-da] is the pst tense form of 실패하다[sil-pae-ha-da], which means ‘to fail’. So, 그들은 그 회사를 매수하려고 시도했으나, 실패했습니다.[geu-deul-eun geu hwoi-sa-reul mae-su-ha-ryeo-go si-do-haet-seu-na sil-pae-haet-seum-ni-da]. They attempted to buy the company, but failed.
Number 288 is 포함하다, 포함시키다[po-ham-ha-da, po-ham-si-ki-da], which means ‘to include’. 그 가격은 부가 가치세를 포함합니다.[geu ga-gyeok-eun bu-ga ga-chi-se-reul po-ham-ham-ni-da]. The price includes VAT. 가격[ga-gyeok] is ‘price’, and 부가 가치세[bu-ga ga-chi-se] is ‘value added tax’, and 포함합니다[po-ham-ham-ni-da] is the predicate form of 포함하다[po-ham-ha-da]. So, 그 가격은 부가 가치세를 포함합니다.[geu ga-gyeok-eun bu-ga ga-chi-se-reul po-ham-ham-ni-da]. The price includes VAT.
Number 289 is 제외하다, 제외시키다, 배제하다[je-woi-ha-da, je-woi-si-ki-da, bae-je-ha-da], which means ‘to exclude’. 일부 상품은 세일 대상에서 제외됩니다.[il-bu sang-pum-eun se-il dae-sang-e-seo je-woi-dwoim-ni-da]. Some products are excluded from the sale. 일부[il-bu] means ‘some of blah, blah, blah’, and 상품[sang-pum] is ‘product’, so 일부 상품[il-bu sang-pum] is ‘some products’, and 세일[se-il] is written as it sounds, and 대상[dae-sang] is ‘the object’, and 제외됩니다[je-woi-dwoim-ni-da] is the passive predicate form of 제외하다[je-woi-ha-da]. So, 제외하다[je-woi-ha-da] is ‘to exclude’, and 제외되다[je-woi-dwoi-da] is ‘to be excluded’. So, 일부 상품은 세일 대상에서 제외됩니다.[il-bu sang-pum-eun se-il dae-sang-e-seo je-woi-dwoim-ni-da]. Some products are excluded from the sale.
Number 290 is 나타내다[na-ta-nae-da], which means ‘to stand for, or represent’. 그 그래프의 푸른 선은 매출액을 나타냅니다.[geu geu-rae-peu-eui pu-reun-seon-eun mae-chul-aek-eul na-ta-nam-ni-da]. The blue line on the graph represents sales. 그래프[geu-rae-peu] is written as it sounds, and the letter, [eui] is a genitive case, and 푸른[pu-reun] is ‘blue’, and [seon] is ‘line’, so 푸른 선[pu-reun-seon] is ‘blue line’, so 그 그래프의 푸른 선[geu geu-rae-peu-eui pu-reun-seon] is ‘The blue line on the graph’. 매출액[mae-chul-aek] is ‘the amount of sales’, and 나타냅니다[na-ta-nam-ni-da] is the predicate form of 나타내다[na-ta-nae-da]. So, 그 그래프의 푸른 선은 매출액을 나타냅니다.[geu geu-rae-peu-eui pu-reun-seon-eun mae-chul-aek-eul na-ta-nam-ni-da]. The blue line on the graph represents sales.
Number 291 is 전시하다[jeon-si-ha-da], which means ‘to display’. 그 미술관은 저의 작품을 전시하고 있습니다.[geu mi-sul-gwan-eun jeo-eui jak-pum-eul jeon-si-ha-go it-seum-ni-da]. The gallery is displaying my works. 미술관[mi-sul-gwan] is ‘gallery’, and 저의[jeo-eui] is ‘my’, and 작품[jak-pum] is ‘works’, so 저의 작품[jeo-eui jak-pum] is ‘my works’. And 전시하고 있습니다[jeon-si-ha-go it-seum-ni-da] is the present progressive form of 전시하다[jeon-si-ha-da]. So, 그 미술관은 저의 작품을 전시하고 있습니다.[geu mi-sul-gwan-eun jeo-eui jak-pum-eul jeon-si-ha-go it-seum-ni-da]. The gallery is displaying my works.
Number 292 is 보이다, 보여주다[bo-i-da, bo-yeo-ju-da], which means ‘to look, and show’. 보이다[bo-i-da] is an intransitive verb, so 보이다[bo-i-da] doesn’t need an object. On the other hand, 보여주다[bo-yeo-ju-da] is a transitive verb, so 보여주다[bo-yeo-ju-da] needs an object. Okay, here are two sample sentences. The first one is 그 여자는 마흔 살쯤 되어 보이네요.[geu yeo-ja-neun ma-heun sal-jjeum dwoi-eo bo-i-ne-yo]. The woman looks about forty. 여자[yeo-ja] is ‘woman’, and 마흔[ma-heun] is ‘forty’, and the letter, [sal] indicates ‘age’, and the letter, [jjeum] is the same as ‘about’, or ‘approximately’. And 되어 보이네요[dwoi-eo bo-i-ne-yo] is ‘look’ plus adjective. So, 그 여자는 마흔 살쯤 되어 보이네요.[geu yeo-ja-neun ma-heun sal-jjeum dwoi-eo bo-i-ne-yo]. The woman looks about forty. And the second sample sentence is 그 수치들은 그녀의 주장이 틀렸음을 분명히 보여줍니다.[geu su-chi-deul-eun geu-nyeo-eui ju-jang-i teul-ryeot-seum-eul bun-myeong-hi bo-yeo-jum-ni-da] The figures clearly show that her argument is wrong. 수치[su-chi] is ‘figures’, and the letter, [deul] means plural. 그녀의[geu-nyeo-eui] is the genitive case of she, and 주장[ju-jang] is ‘argument’, so 그녀의 주장[geu-nyeo-eui ju-jang] is ‘her argument’, right? And 틀렸음[teul-ryeot-seum] is a noun form of 틀렸다[teul-ryeot-da], which is an adjective and its meaning is ‘wrong’. And 분명히[bun-myeong-hi] is an adverb, and its meaning is ‘clearly’, and 보여줍니다[bun-myeong-hi] is the predicate form of 보여주다[bo-yeo-ju-da]. So, 그 수치들은 그녀의 주장이 틀렸음을 분명히 보여줍니다.[geu su-chi-deul-eun geu-nyeo-eui ju-jang-i teul-ryeot-seum-eul bun-myeong-hi bo-yeo-jum-ni-da]. The figures clearly show that her argument is wrong.
Number 293 is 비교하다, 대조하다[bi-gyo-ha-da, dae-jo-ha-da], which means ‘to compare, or make a contrast’. 이 저울은 두 개의 무게를 비교할 수 있습니다.[i jeo-ul-eun du gae-eui mu-gae-reul bi-gyo-hal su it-seum-ni-da]. This scale can compare two weights. [i] is ‘this’, and 저울[jeo-ul] is ‘a scale’, so 이 저울[i jeo-ul] is ‘this scale’, and [du] is ‘two’, and [gae] indicates the number of things, so 두 개[du gae] is ‘two things’, right? And the letter, [eui] is a genitive case. And 무게[mu-gae] is ‘weight’, and 비교할 수 있습니다[bi-gyo-hal su it-seum-ni-da] came from 비교하다[bi-gyo-ha-d]. The letter, [da] is replaced with 수 있습니다[su it-seum-ni-da], which means ‘can’. So, 이 저울은 두 개의 무게를 비교할 수 있습니다.[i jeo-ul-eun du gae-eui mu-gae-reul bi-gyo-hal su it-seum-ni-da]. This scale can compare two weights.
Number 294 is 의도하다[eui-do-ha-da], which means ‘to intend’. 우리는 의도했던 것보다 더 늦게 마쳤습니다.[u-ri-neun eui-do-haet-deon geot-bo-da deo neut-ge ma-cheot-seum-ni-da]. We finished later than we had intended. 우리는[u-ri-neun] is ‘we’, and 의도하다[eui-do-ha-da] is changed into 의도했던[eui-do-haet-deon], which is the past tense form, and the letter, [geot] is used in order to make a noun form. And 보다[bo-da] is ‘than’, so 의도했던 것보다[eui-do-haet-deon geot-bo-da] is ‘than we had intended’, and [deo] is used as the comparative degree, and 늦게[neut-ge] is an adverb, and its meaning is ‘late’, so 더 늦게[deo neut-ge] is ‘later’, right? And 마쳤습니다[ma-cheot-seum-ni-da] is the past tense form of 마치다[ma-chi-da]. So, 우리는 의도했던 것보다 더 늦게 마쳤습니다.[u-ri-neun eui-do-haet-deon geot-bo-da deo neut-ge ma-cheot-seum-ni-da]. We finished later than we had intended.
Number 295 is 쏟다[ssod-dda], which means ‘to spill’. 제가 실수로 커피를 쏟았습니다.[je-ga sil-su-ro keo-pi-reul ssot-at-seum-ni-da]. I spilled coffee by mistake. 제가[je-ga] is ‘I’, and 실수[sil-su] is ‘mistake’, and the letter, [ro] is the same as ‘by’, so 실수로[sil-su-ro] is ‘by mistake’. And 커피[keo-pi] is written as it sounds, and [reul] is the objective case. And 쏟았습니다[ssot-at-seum-ni-da] is the past tense predicate form of 쏟다[ssod-dda]. So, 제가 실수로 커피를 쏟았습니다.[je-ga sil-su-ro keo-pi-reul ssot-at-seum-ni-da]. I spilled coffee by mistake.
Number 296 is 공급하다[gong-geub-ha-da], which means ‘to supply’. 태양광은 우리에게 전기를 공급합니다.[tae-yang-gwang-eun u-ri-e-ge jeon-gi-reul gong-geub-ham-ni-da]. Solar power supplies us with electricity. 태양[tae-yang] is ‘the sun’, and the letter, [gwang] means ‘light’, so 태양광[tae-yang-gwang] is the same as ‘solar power’, and 우리에게[u-ri-e-ge] is ‘us’, and 전기[jeon-gi] is ‘electricity’, and 공급합니다[gong-geub-ham-ni-da] is the predicate form of 공급하다[gong-geub-ha-da]. So, 태양광은 우리에게 전기를 공급합니다.[tae-yang-gwang-eun u-ri-e-ge jeon-gi-reul gong-geub-ham-ni-da]. Solar power supplies us with electricity.
Number 297 is 편집하다[pyeon-jib-ha-da], which means ‘to edit’. 저는 취미로 영상을 편집합니다.[jeo-neun chwui-mi-ro yeong-sang-eul pyeon-jib-ham-ni-da]. I edit videos as a hobby. 저는[jeo-neun] is ‘I’, and 취미[chwui-mi] is ‘hobby’, and the letter, [ro] is ‘as’, so 취미로[chwui-mi-ro] is ‘as a hobby’, right? And 영상[yeong-sang] is ‘video’, and 편집합니다[pyeon-jib-ham-ni-da] is the predicate form of 편집하다[pyeon-jib-ha-d. So, 저는 취미로 영상을 편집합니다.[jeo-neun chwui-mi-ro yeong-sang-eul pyeon-jib-ham-ni-da]. I edit videos as a hobby.
Number 298 is 꾸미다[ggu-mi-da], which means ‘to decorate’. 저는 커튼으로 집안을 예쁘게 꾸몄습니다.[jeo-neun keo-teun-eui-ro jib-an-eul ye-bbeu-ge ggu-myeot-seum-ni-da]. I decorated the house beautifully with curtains. 저는[jeo-neun] is ‘I’, and 커튼[keo-teun] is written as it sounds, and 으로[eui-ro] is ‘with’ in English, so 커튼으로[keo-teun-eui-ro] is ‘with curtains’, right? And [jib] is ‘a house’, and the letter, [an] indicates ‘inside’, and [eul] is the objective case. And 예쁘게[ye-bbeu-ge] is ‘beautifully’, and 꾸몄습니다[ggu-myeot-seum-ni-da] is the past tense form of 꾸미다[ggu-mi-da]. So, 저는 커튼으로 집안을 예쁘게 꾸몄습니다.[jeo-neun keo-teun-eui-ro jib-an-eul ye-bbeu-ge ggu-myeot-seum-ni-da]. I decorated the house beautifully with curtains.
Number 299 is 계획하다[gye-hwoik-ha-da], which means ‘to plan’. 저는 저의 미래를 계획하고 있습니다.[jeo-neun jeo-eui mi-rae-reul gye-hwoik-ha-go it-seum-ni-da]. I'm planning my future. 저는[jeo-neun] is ‘I’, and 저의[jeo-eui] is ‘my’, and 미래[mi-rae] is ‘future’, and 계획하고 있습니다[gye-hwoik-ha-go it-seum-ni-da] is the present progressive form of 계획하다[gye-hwoik-ha-da]. So, 저는 저의 미래를 계획하고 있습니다.[jeo-neun jeo-eui mi-rae-reul gye-hwoik-ha-go it-seum-ni-da]. I'm planning my future.
Number 300 is 경고하다[gyeong-go-ha-da], which means ‘to warn’. 자연은 우리에게 환경을 오염시키지 말라고 경고합니다.[ja-yeon-eun u-ri-e-ge hwan-gyeong-eul o-yeom-si-ki-ji mal-la-go gyeong-go-ham-ni-da]. Nature warns us not to pollute the environment. 자연[ja-yeon] is ‘nature’, and 우리에게[u-ri-e-ge] is ‘us’, and 환경[hwan-gyeong] is ‘environment’. And 오염시키지 말라고[o-yeom-si-ki-ji mal-la-go] came from 오염시키다[o-yeom-si-ki-da], which means ‘to pollute’, and the letter, [da] is replaced with 지 말라고[ji mal-la-go] in order to express the negation form, so 오염시키지 말라고[o-yeom-si-ki-ji mal-la-go] is ‘not to pollute’, right? And 경고합니다[gyeong-go-ham-ni-da] is the predicate form of 경고하다[gyeong-go-ha-da]. So, 자연은 우리에게 환경을 오염시키지 말라고 경고합니다.[ja-yeon-eun u-ri-e-ge hwan-gyeong-eul o-yeom-si-ki-ji mal-la-go gyeong-go-ham-ni-da]. Nature warns us not to pollute the environment.

OK, we have finished, as I told you, you’d better watch this video at least three times. OK, let’s call it a day. I’ll see you next time, bye.