All right, we gonna start from no. 301 to 320.
Number 301 is 삼키다[sam-ki-da], which means ‘to swallow up’. 새끼 제비가 먹이를 삼키고 있습니다. A baby swallow is swallowing its prey. 새끼 is the same as ‘baby’, but this word is used only in animals, not humans, because when you use this 새끼 on humans, this word could sound insulting, which means this word is used as curse, or abusive language. And 제비 is ‘swallow’, so 새끼 제비 is ‘a baby swallow’, and is the subjective case. And 먹이 is ‘prey’, and 삼키고 있습니다 is the present progressive form of 삼키다. So, 새끼 제비가 먹이를 삼키고 있습니다. A baby swallow is swallowing its prey.
Number 302 is 싸다, 감싸다[ssa-da gam-ssa-da], which means ‘to wrap’. 강아지가 이불을 감싸고 있습니다. The puppy is wrapping the blanket. 강아지 is ‘a little dog, or puppy’, and 이불 is ‘blanket’, and 감싸고 있습니다 is the present progressive form of 감싸다. So, 강아지가 이불을 감싸고 있습니다. The puppy is wrapping the blanket.
Number 303 is 연상하다[yeon-sang-ha-da], which means ‘to associate with’. 이 그림을 보면 무엇이 연상되십니까? If you look at this picture, what do you associate with? is ‘this’, and 그림 is ‘picture’, and 보면 is ‘if you look at’, the letter, is shortened form of 보다, which means ‘to look at’, and the letter, is the same as the conjunction, ‘if’. So, 이 그림을 보면 is ‘If you look at this picture’. And 무엇 is an interrogative pronoun, ‘what’, and 연상되십니까? is an interrogative sentence of 연상되다. So, 이 그림을 보면 무엇이 연상되십니까? If you look at this picture, what do you associate with?
Number 304 is 연관짓다, 연관시키다, 관련짓다, 관련시키다[yeon-gwan-jit-dda yeon-gwan-si-ki-da gwal-lyeon-jit-dda gwal-lyeon-si-ki-da], which means ‘to relate something to something else’. 행복을 돈과 연관짓지 마세요. Don’t relate happiness to money. 행복 is ‘happiness’, and is ‘money’, and the letter, is the same as ‘with, or to’, and 연관짓지 마세요 is the negative imperative sentence of 연관짓다. So, 행복을 돈과 연관짓지 마세요. Don’t relate happiness to money.
Number 305 is 선택하다, 고르다[seon-taek-ha-da go-reu-da], which means ‘to choose’. 한 가족이 아이스크림을 선택하고 있습니다/ 고르고 있습니다. A family is choosing ice cream. is ‘one’, and 가족 is ‘family’, and 아이스크림 is written as it sounds, and 선택하고 있습니다 is the present progressive form of 선택하다. So, 한 가족이 아이스크림을 선택하고 있습니다/ 고르고 있습니다. A family is choosing ice cream.
Number 306 is 맹세하다[maeng-se-ha-da], which means ‘to swear, vow, or take one’s oath’. 당신만을 사랑할 것을 맹세합니다. I swear to love only you. 당신 is ‘you’, and the letter, indicates ‘only’. And 사랑할 것 is the same as ‘to love’, and 맹세합니다 is the predicate of 맹세하다. So, 당신만을 사랑할 것을 맹세합니다. I swear to love only you.
Number 307 is 낭비하다[nang-bi-ha-da], which means ‘to waste away’. 종이를 낭비하지 맙시다. Let's not waste paper. 종이 is ‘paper’, and blah, blah 지 맙시다 is the negative sentence of ‘let’s do blah blah’, which is the same as ‘let’s not blah blah’. So, 종이를 낭비하지 맙시다. Let's not waste paper.
Number 308 is 참석하다[cham-seok-ha-da], which means ‘to attend a meeting’. 그녀가 오늘 회의에 참석할 것입니다. She will attend the meeting today. 그녀 is ‘she’, and 오늘 is ‘today’, and 회의 is ‘the meeting, or conference’, and the postposition, is the same as ‘at’ in English. And 참석할 것입니다 is the predicate form of future tense. So, 그녀가 오늘 회의에 참석할 것입니다. She will attend the meeting today.
Number 309 is 발생하다[bal-saeng-ha-da], which means ‘to happen, or occur’. 어젯밤 큰 화재사고가 발생했습니다. A big fire accident happened last night. 어제 is ‘yesterday’, and is ‘night’, but when these two words are combined, there must be placed 사이시옷, so 어젯밤 is correct spelling, and its meaning is ‘last night’. is the same as ‘big’, and 화재사고 is a combined word of 화재, and 사고, which means ‘fire’, and ‘accident’ respectively, and is the subjective case. And 발생했습니다 is the past tense form of 발생하다. So, 어젯밤 큰 화재사고가 발생했습니다. A big fire accident happened last night.
Number 310 is 증명하다[jeung-myeong-ha-da], which means ‘to prove’. 이 재판에서 당신이 무죄임을 증명해야합니다. You have to prove your innocence in this trial. is ‘this’, and 재판 is ‘trial’, and 에서 is one of the postpositions meaning ‘in’ in English. 당신 is ‘you’, and is the subjective case. And 무죄 is a noun, and its meaning is ‘innocence, or not being guilty’, and the letter, is the same as ‘being’, and is the objective case. And 증명해야합니다 is ‘must prove’. So, 이 재판에서 당신이 무죄임을 증명해야합니다. You have to prove your innocence in this trial.
Number 311 is 흘리다[heul-li-da]. This word has many meanings. The first one is ‘to shed tears, sweat, or bleed, And the second one is ’to spill’. And the third one is ‘to drop something’. Okay, the first sample sentence is 그녀가 눈물을 흘리고 있습니다. ‘She is shedding tears’. 그녀가 땀을 흘리고 있습니다. ‘She's sweating’. And 그녀가 피를 흘리고 있습니다. She's bleeding. 그녀 is ‘she’, and 눈물 is ‘tears’, and 흘리고 있습니다 is the present progressive form of 흘리다. And is a noun, ‘sweat’ and 땀을 흘리다 is ‘to sweat’, and is a noun, ‘blood’, and 피를 흘리다 is ‘to bleed’. So, 그녀가 눈물을 흘리고 있습니다. ‘She is shedding tears’. 그녀가 땀을 흘리고 있습니다. ‘She's sweating’. And 그녀가 피를 흘리고 있습니다. She's bleeding. And the second sample sentence, 그녀가 커피를 마시다가 흘렸습니다. She spilled coffee while drinking it. 마시다가 came from 마시다, which means ‘to drink’, and the letter, is attached behind, the letter, in order to mean simultaneous act. So, 마시다가 is ‘while drinking’. So, 그녀가 커피를 마시다가 흘렸습니다. She spilled coffee while drinking it. And the third sample sentence, 제가 지갑을 흘린 것 같습니다. I think I dropped my wallet. 제가 is ‘I’, and 지갑 is ‘wallet’, and 흘린 것 같습니다 is ‘I think I dropped’, or ‘It seems that I dropped’. So, 제가 지갑을 흘린 것 같습니다. I think I dropped my wallet.
Number 312 is 처벌하다, 벌주다[cheo-beol-ha-da beol-ju-da], which means ‘to punish’. 경찰이 그 해커를 잡아서 처벌할 것입니다. The police will catch the hacker and punish him. 경찰 is ‘the police’, and is ‘the’, and 해커 is written as it sounds, and is the objective case. And 잡아서 came from 잡다, which means ‘to catch’, and the letter, is replaced with 아서, which means ‘and’ 처벌할 것입니다 is the predicate of the future tense. So, 경찰이 그 해커를 잡아서 처벌할 것입니다. The police will catch the hacker and punish him.
Number 313 is 속삭이다[sok-sag-i-da], which means ‘to whisper’. 두 소녀가 속삭이고 있습니다. Two girls are whispering. is ‘two’, and 소녀 is ‘girl’, so 두 소녀 is ‘two girls’, right? And 속삭이고 있습니다 is the present progressive form of 속삭이다, which means ‘to whisper’. So, 두 소녀가 속삭이고 있습니다. Two girls are whispering.
Number 314 is 요구하다[yo-gu-ha-da], which means ‘to demand, or ask for’. 그녀는 저에게 너무 많은 것을 요구합니다. She asks me too much. 그녀는 is ‘she’, and 저에게 is ‘me’, and 너무 is ‘too’, and 많은 것 is ‘much’, so 너무 많은 is ‘too much’. And 요구합니다 is the predicate form of 요구하다. So, 그녀는 저에게 너무 많은 것을 요구합니다. She asks me too much.
Number 315 is 청구하다[cheong-gu-ha-da], which means ‘to charge, or make a claim’. 그 배관공이 저에게 너무 많은 금액을 청구했습니다. The plumber charged me too much money. is ‘the’, and 배관공 is ‘plumber’, and 저에게 is ‘me’, and as we learned at the previous sentence, 너무 많은 is ‘too much’, and 금액 is ‘the amount of money’, and 청구했습니다 is the predicate of the past tense form of 청구하다. So, 그 배관공이 저에게 너무 많은 금액을 청구했습니다. The plumber charged me too much money.
Number 316 is 격려하다[gyeok-ryeo-ha-da], which means ‘to encourage’. 그녀가 그녀의 아들에게 격려하고 있습니다. She is encouraging her son. 그녀가 is ‘she’, and 그녀의 is a genitive case of she, so 그녀의 is ‘her’, and 아들 is ‘son’, and 에게 is a postposition indicating the objective case. And 격려하고 있습니다 is the present progressive form of 격려하다. So, 그녀가 그녀의 아들에게 격려하고 있습니다. She is encouraging her son.
Number 317 is 안내하다[an-nae-ha-da], which means ‘to guide’. 그가 관광객들에게 한국의 고궁을 안내하고 있습니다. He is guiding tourists to Korea's ancient palace. 그가 is ‘he’, and 관광객 is ‘tourist’, and the letter, means plural, and 에게 is the postposition indicating the objective case. And 한국 is ‘Korea’, and is a genitive case. And 고궁 is ‘ancient palace’. So, 그가 관광객들에게 한국의 고궁을 안내하고 있습니다. He is guiding tourists to Korea's ancient palace.
Number 318 is 구매하다[gu-mae-ha-da], which means ‘to buy, or purchase’ 우리는 인터넷으로 많은 것을 구매할 수 있습니다. We can buy many things on the Internet. 우리는 is ‘we’, and 인터넷 is written as it sounds, and 으로 is a postposition which is the same as ‘with, by, or on’. And 많은 것 is ‘many things, or much’, and 구매할 수 있습니다 is ‘can buy’. So, 우리는 인터넷으로 많은 것을 구매할 수 있습니다. We can buy many things on the Internet.
Number 319 is 부정하다, 부인하다[bu-jeong-ha-da bu-in-ha-da], which means ‘to deny’ 그는 자기의 행동을 부인하고 있습니다. He is denying his actions. 그는 is ‘he’, and 자기의 ‘one’s own’, and 행동 is ‘action’. And 부인하고 있습니다 is the present progressive form of 부인하다. So, 그는 자기의 행동을 부인하고 있습니다. He is denying his actions.
Number 320 is 기대다[gi-dae-da], which ‘to lean on something or somebody’ 그녀가 그에게 기대고 있습니다. She's leaning on him. 그녀가 is ‘she’, and 그에게 is ‘him’, and 기대고 있습니다 is the present progressive form of 기대다. So, 그녀가 그에게 기대고 있습니다. She's leaning on him.

OK, we have finished, as I told you, you’d better watch this video at least three times. OK, let’s call it a day. I’ll see you next time, bye.